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Idol Maker Flees, Leaving Durga Idol Creation Incomplete

Lakhipuronline Digital Desk : In a shocking turn of events, an idol maker has fled, leaving the creation of Durga idols incomplete, causing distress among various puja committees. On the day of Panchami, committee members arrived to collect the idols only to find that their orders had not been fulfilled.

The artist, along with other craftsmen, reportedly took advance payments from nearly fifty puja committees before disappearing. The incident has raised concerns among the local community, as the incomplete idols created chaos during the collection process.
Upon learning of the situation, police from Kalain station responded promptly to the scene. In the end, the puja committees were compelled to take the unfinished idols with them, many of which were still covered in clay. This has left committee members in a state of uncertainty regarding how to proceed with the upcoming festivities.

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