Prominent Academicians and Experts Address the Event to Promote Social Justice and Eradicate Child Labour

Lakhipuronline Digital Desk: Nehru College, situated in Pailapool Cachar, took a significant step in raising awareness about the issue of child labor by organizing a seminar on the occasion of World Day Against Child Labour 2023. The seminar, held at the Nehru College Conference Hall on 12 June 2023, witnessed the participation of esteemed academicians and experts in the field.

Dr. Shuvajit Chadraborty, the Principal of Nehru College, presided over the program, emphasizing the institution’s commitment to addressing societal issues. The event featured Dr. P. Rajbihari, a retired professor of the college, as the Chief Guest, whose extensive experience in academia added weight to the cause. Dr. L. Bharati, the senior-most professor at the college and the Academic Coordinator, was honored as the Guest of Honour for her distinguished contributions to education.

The seminar, organized by the Bengali department in collaboration with the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), aimed to shed light on the theme of this year’s World Day Against Child Labour: “Social Justice for all: End Child Labour.” Distinguished speakers, including Dr. Robindra Roy, Dr. Rajesh Dhubi, Dr. Meghamala Mahanta, Dr. S. Merina, Dr. Madhumita Das, Dr. RP Goala, Biswajit Paul, Nihaljyoti Das, and Manik Barman, delivered insightful speeches, addressing the importance of eradicating child labor from society.

Dr. Meghamala Mahanta, the Head of the Bengali Department, expressed her satisfaction with the seminar’s outcome, stressing the need for collective efforts to create a just society for all. Dr. Momota Chakraborty efficiently conducted the program and presented certificates to the participants, appreciating their commitment to raising awareness on this pressing issue.

The seminar served as a platform for intellectual discussions, raising awareness, and inspiring action to eliminate child labor. Nehru College’s initiative reinforces the significance of education institutions in shaping a more equitable society and contributes to the global efforts to eradicate child labor.