Lakhipuronline Digital Desk: In a proud moment for India and the state of Assam, Parihan Keisham from Singerband MutumLeikai, Cachar, secured the 2nd Runner-Up position in the Advanced Level 2 category at the 21st International SIP Abacus and Mental Arithmetic Contest.
The prestigious event, held at the Biswa Bangla Mela Prangan in Kolkata on 10/11/2024, marked India’s largest-ever SIP Abacus International Prodigy. The competition witnessed the participation of over 6,000 students from 11 nations and drew a crowd of 20,000 spectators, celebrating the brilliance of young minds.
Parihan is the son of Keisham Ibungoton and Keisham Ongbi Gitamanjari. His achievement is a testament to his dedication, hard work, and the support of his family.
The 2024 contest has further solidified India’s reputation as a hub for nurturing mental arithmetic prodigies, with Kolkata aptly hosting this grand event in the “City of Joy.”
Congratulations to Parihan for making Cachar and India proud on an international stage!
#SIPAbacus2024 #PrideOfCachar #InternationalProdigy #YoungAchiever